Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Job

I am exhausted. I heard about a job opportunity on Sunday at church. I interviewed on Monday, then again on Tuesday, and I started my new job today. I woke up at 6:00, got to work just before 8:00, learned so much that my head felt like it was going to explode (until 5:15pm). I made it home by 5:30, scarfed down some dinner, then headed up to the church to teach scouts at 6:00pm. At 7:00 scouts ended and Young Women activities began, but Tyson was in charge of the YW activity, teaching self defense. I stayed to be his attack dummy, so we got home at about 8:45pm. I saw my son for 5 minutes in the morning before I left, and my daughter for 15 minutes after work while I was eating dinner. They were in bed by the time I got back from church tonight. I miss my kids and wish I didn't have to get a job, but I think that the Dr.'s office where I'll be working is full of nice people and will be pleasant enough. Now I'm dragging myself off to bed so that I can do most of this all over again tomorrow.


Lynn said...

The fact that you are not working in order to drive a fancy car, buy a boat, or move into a snooty community, should ease the working mommy guilt. And I totally remember how much it hurts to miss your kids during the day, or in my case the night. I wish I could have cloned myself when I was taking three years to get a two-year degree. I missed you girls so much!

Jenni said...

Welcome to rat race. My offer stands, I will have my kid teach your kid how to raise herself and cook marginally nutricious "meals" for her brother. String cheese and pot pie anyone?

Party of Two said...

Oh wow! I hope it works out well for you! I will most likely look for a P/T night position at Kroger or something in a few months, at least for some grocery $.

Angela said...

YOur life couldn't be more exciting right now, could it? Congrats on the job and how is your dad?

Magicmaker said...

Hi! Bonnie, I have given you an award before but I just wasn't able to tell you, LOL, anyway, just want you to know your blog is Brilliant, You can see it here:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that happened so fast, congratulations on your new job :) I hope that once your past all the learning they had you go through, that you get to enjoy it too :)