BittyBit: It was about the jungle.
Me: Was it a story about animals?
Tyson: Well, in a manner of speaking.
BittyBit: Yeah, and they ate the humans!
Tyson: I guess she got more out of the story than I thought.
2. Later that night, when I was back home after Cub Scouts...
BittyBit: Mom, I'll be Giselle, LittleMan can be Edward, & you be the stepmother. (From "Enchanted")
Me: Ok. Did you know your Aunt Jenni is a stepmother?
BittyBit: But she's not mean.
Don't worry, I took the teaching moment to tell her,"Not all stepmothers are mean, that's just in fairy tales. Well, some step mothers are mean, but lots of them are nice."
3. Still later...
BittyBit: Mom, I'll be a kangaroo & you be a witch.
Me: Ok
Bittybit: Are you a nice witch?
At this point Tyson chimes in,"I need some of your body parts for spell components!" and promptly begins chasing both the kids around the living room while cackling loudly.
4. At this point Tyson sees me laughing hysterically (after 10 years of knowing him, I'm still surprised by some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth) and writing on a pad of paper. He grins and asks,"What are you doing, writing down all of the reasons why I shouldn't be left in charge of the kids?"
5. A few minutes later Tyson is wearing a Santa hat and swinging his head around so that the ball of the hat smacks the kids as they are running around him. The hat falls off and BittyBit picks it up & holds it out to Tyson saying,"Dad, put this hat on and swat us with it."
So there you go. I won't say that's a typical night, because some nights are much more mellow and some are filled with different crazy adventures, but all in all, that little slice of the evening isn't out of the ordinary. I'll leave you with another picture, just to show that not everything is frenetic around here.
Oh, p.s. - Happy Birthday Tyson! His birthday was actually yesterday, but I figured he would appreciate me spending time making him cupcakes more than he would enjoy a blog shout out on his actual birthday.
lol, i am dying over Jenni being mean part, my stomach hurts from laughing, hee hee. Oh and Happy Birthday Tyson!
I was laughing so hard because I can totally hear everyone's voices. I even read some of it out loud for my coworkers. A good time was had by all.
Depending on the day and which of my kids you ask, I might be an evil step-mother.
First, I have to say that I am loving LittleMan's argyle sweater. And it sounds like a fun night at your house! Thanks for sharing the laughs.
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