After lunch there was generally a lot of goofing around, then everyone drifted out the door and Tyson, Terrence, and our friend Glen followed Derek home to watch The Dark Knight. I like super hero/comic book stories, but not enough to endure one with a freaky clown, so I passed on that one. Jenni stayed with me to chat and help me keep an eye on the kids, since I was almost in a sugar coma from all the fabulous desserts. We were going to catch a movie after the boys got home, but they were a little later than we thought they'd be and we were both exhausted, so we called it a night and crashed.
The best part about the whole day is that I've been trying to focus on the true meaning of Christmas with the kids. We've read New Testament Stories every day this month to really focus on Christ, and I stressed to BittyBit that while presents are fun, that's not really what Christmas is about. When I asked her if she had a fun Christmas, and if she liked her gifts, she replied, "Yeah mom, but Christmas isn't about presents you know. It's about Jesus."
What a fun day! And i love love love what bitty bit said to you regarding Christmas! Shows that they DO listen to us, even when they think they aren't!
Yea your kid listened and learned something proper about Christmas. Then they get older and more easily annoyed by all their family. They will actually have a better understanding of the true meaning of Christmas but they might also get very caught up in the new cell phone they so desperately wanted as well as the fourteen Christmases and all the family to endure! Enjoy this phase and good job.
Christmas was wonderful, and thanks for hosting it! :] Thank you also, for not posting unflattering photos. Both Mom, and I, appreciate it.
Santa did a good job getting all the right gifts.
I spent all month asking my kids what the important part of Christmas is, good for Ren for knowing what it is.
That bitty bit is so smart! What a cutie!
Glad ya'll had a good Christmas!! :)
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