Thursday, May 07, 2009

"I did it!"

The other day BittyBit came running into our bedroom in the morning and said, "Mom, Dad, he did it!" To which we warily asked what her little brother had done. "Well, I told him, 'just put one foot up, now the other', and he did it, he climbed out of his bed!" Needless to say Tyson and I were not nearly as excited for LittleMan's achievement as his sister was. But we were very proud of her for encouraging her brother and being kind to him. If we can only direct this energy into more productive activities...

Tyson went into LittleMan's room right after this to witness him trying to shove his blanket and toys back into his crib. When he saw Tyson, LittleMan threw both of his hands above his head and shouted, "I did it!"

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